Christophe Z Guilmoto


directeur de recherche en démographie senior fellow in demography
Institut de recherche pour le développement

CEPED research unit (Paris Descartes-Ined-IRD)

associate member
CEIAS centre for South Asian Studies (EHESS/CNRS)

other activities
Autrepart,APS ,Population

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Kuala Lumpur 2015

recent publications
Becquet, V. and C.Z. Guilmoto, 2018, “Sex Imbalance at Birth in Vietnam: Rapid Increase Followed by Stabilization”, Population, 3.

Guilmoto, C.Z., N. Saikia, V. Tamrakar, and J. K. Bora, 2018, “Excess under-5 female mortality across India: a spatial analysis using 2011 census data”, The Lancet Global Health, 6(6): e650–58.

Guilmoto, C.Z., N. Dudwick, A. Gjonca, and L. Rahm, 2018, ” How do demographic trends change? The onset of birth masculinization in Albania, Georgia, and Vietnam in 1990-2005”, Population and Development Review, 44, 1, 37-61. .

Guilmoto, C.Z., “Sex imbalances in Asia: An ongoing conversation between anthropologists and demographers”, in S. Srinivasan and S. Li, eds. Scarce Women and Surplus Men in China and India: Macro Demographics versus Local Dynamics, Springer, Dordrecht, 145-161.

Guilmoto, C.Z. 2018. “Adverse sex ratio at birth in Southeast Europe”, in B. Kotzamanis and A. Parent, eds, 2018, Regards sur la population de l’Europe du Sud-Est-Viewpoints on Population in South-East Europe, Demobalk, Athens, 195-211.

Guilmoto, C.Z., and S. Oliveau, 2018, “Population distribution”, in Z. Zhao and A. C. Hayes, eds, Routledge Handbook of Asian Demography, Routledge, London and New York, 268-284.

Guilmoto, C.Z., and Sara Tafuro, 2017. Trends in the Sex Ratio at Birth in Georgia. An Overview Based on the 2014 General Population Census Data,National Statistics Office of Georgia and UNFPA Georgia, Tbilisi, 75p

Guilmoto, C.Z., 2016. Sex Imbalances at Birth in Viet Nam: Recent Trends Factors and Variations, General Statistics Office and UNFPA, Labour-Social Publishing House, Hanoi, 53p..

Guilmoto, C.Z., 2017 ”Gender Bias in Reproductive Behavior in Georgia, Indonesia and Vietnam: An Application of the Own-Children”, Population Studies, 71, 3, 265-279..


A personal reaction to Mara Hvistendahl's book (Unnatural selection): a bitter taste of breach of trust and a more formal review of her book: Studies in Family Planning 2011.