a project on fertility
transition in South India

  The project
  The Team



South India Fertility Project
phase 1


The objectives of Phase 1 was to prepare an updated synthesis of regional demographic trends in South India, with special focus on fertility and its social and demographic components.


Reports form Phase A can be downloaded from here (word files in zip format).

Please note that these reports are preliminary. Chapters from our collective book have been later derived thereof.


Fertility maps from the SIFP database were also prepared for rural area. Maps can downloaded from here.

Fertility map for rural Andhra Pradesh

Fertility map for rural Karnataka

Fertility map for rural Kerala

Fertility map for rural Tamil Nadu

These maps have been prepared from village level data. The child-woman ratio is used as an indicator of fertility levels. As the population of villages can be extremely small, child-woman ratios computed in these localities can take erratic values. Therefore, villages were initially clustered into spatial aggregates for which child-woman ratios are computed. We then computed a surface map using the kriging technique and finally a contour map. Details on the methodology can be found in our PPSS.
