South Indian Population Information System

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The SIPIS team in Pondicherry was co-ordinated by Christophe Z Guilmoto (IRD) and Sébastien Oliveau (Université Paris I), who were in charge of the conception of the SIPIS. Sattianarayanin Vingadassamy and R. Amuda, from the French Institute of Pondicherry, were responsible for the preparation of the database.

This project was made possible by a generous grant from the United Nations Fund for Population (UNFPA, New Delhi) and we thank Dr Michael Vlassoff for his interest in this project, and Dr. G. Balasubramanian for his assistance.

Other institutional support relates to the South India Fertility Project from which SIPIS has derived and mention must be made of the Wellcome Trust, London, and the French Research Institute for Development (IRD, France) which continue to fund the SIFP.

At the Department of Social Sciences (French Institute of Pondicherry), we would like to thank G. Venkatasubramanian, K. Ramanujan,  and  Tiaré Purushotaman for their help during the project. We are grateful to all other colleagues of the French Institute for their support in the course of the project.

In Pondicherry and in Chennai, we wish to thank various people who have helped in collecting and processing data for the SIFP: Sangi Patel, T. Gubendran, A.V. Raman and the staff of the Census Department (Chennai), our partners at  GeoSensing (Chennai) and at Alchemy CADD (Pondicherry). At Pentasoft (Chennai), Daniel Thanikonda and the whole GIS team turned a nebulous idea into a successful project by developing an original software solution for mapping population data.

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