South Indian Population Information System

|  |  SIPIS Installation Procedure  | |

This CD comes with Auto-run facilities that work on most PC-compatible systems.

SIPIS works only with Windows 95 or WIndows 98.

As soon as you insert the CD, a screen will pop up with three buttons: Set-up, Run, and Exit. Set-up gives you the option for full or limited installation.

The full installation option is recommended as it runs faster. However, the entire database (95 Mb) will be copied in your hard disk.

The first screen is a map of Tamil Nadu, with three different "layers": the towns, the district boundaries and the elevation.

Now, you are ready to use SIPIS (see How to use SIPIS).

More about SIPIS
Back to SIPIS home page
A sample of SIPIS maps
Sources and data for SIPIS
Installing SIPIS
How to use SIPIS
Authors and credits